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The Art of Seduction [With Earbuds] (Playaway Adult Nonfiction)
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Vorbespielter Audioplayer
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1608127214
ISBN-13: 978-1608127214
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,1 x 3,2 x 20,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.6 von 5 Sternen
12 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 9.734.811 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
Ein erstklassiges Buch!Seduction ist nicht die Verführung wie wir sie uns vorstellen, also kalt und berechnend um jemand anderen sexuell eine Beziehung einzugehen, es ist die Kunst sich wirklich für andere Menschen zu interessieren, sich in sie hineinzuversetzen und ihnen das zu geben was sie brauchen bzw. wirklich wollen.Ob man das nun auf ein ganzes Land anwendet wie John F. Kennedy oder ob man das nur mit einer Person macht wie Joséphine mit ihrem Mann Napoleon, Cleopatra mit Caesar oder Lou von Salomé mit Nietzsche.Es ist wahrlich ein tolles Buch mit seltenen geschichtlichen Erzählungen, vielen Zitaten und einer schönen Aufmachung die man mit kaum einem anderen Buch vergleichen kann.Kurzum ein Meisterwerk!
Incredible book, it changed the way I see human interactions and relationships, yes there is a lot of historical examples but they mostly serve the purpose of demonstrating how to seduce (or not) a certain class of people. I'm off to seduce some more now!
Die Bücher von Robert Greene sind unter vielen, die sich mit Persönlichkeits- und Sozialentwickluing beschäftigen, schon lange ein Tipp. Zwar wirkt Herr Greene etwas paranoid, was den Egoismus der Menschen um ihn herum betrifft, trotzdem lösen seine klar strukturierten und interessanten Kapitel zu immer neuen Erkenntnissen. Die historische Note, die er mit Fallbeispielen von Kleopatra bis Präsident Kennedy erzeugt, gibt dem Ganzen spannende Fallbeispiele. Ich habe diese jedoch ab etwa der Hälfte des Buches zu überlesen angefangen.
I keep reading this book again and again, and have now finally bought it for myself.the author leads you into a fantastic world full of stories from literature and history of successful seducers and seductresses.Maybe not every one of his rules can be used in everyday life, and maybe for some you have to be more ruthless then I myself will ever be, but just reading the book brings you into a playful state of mind, looking at the world through different eyes.I think this book is wonderfully amoral, and in some respects very truthful.And finally, reading it, I learned a lot, not only about the art of seduction, but also about history and literature, and it even inspired me into reading some of the books cited by Greene.
This book is not politically correct, and thats fine. Everyone who knows Greene's book about Power knows that.It does have some great points in it, but for me personally describing someone you want to seduce as a "victim" really goes too far. Some parts of the book seem like they are written for sexual predetors which goes a bit too far in my opinion.All in all a worthy read but if you go around searching for victims you are in for a hard time
The idea of this book is really good. It tells amazing stories of historic figures. But it is not very practical and can get boring at some point.
Some parts of the book appear to be useful for me. For example to pay attention to the other persons needs. The desire to contribute to the other persons happiness, while not ignoring your own happiness appear for me to be an essential part of love. We love our self(!) as we love our partner. I like this agape style of loving, which appear to be described in Erich Fromms book "the art of love".If the love contains elements of eros and pragma too, than that's in my opinion even better.This element of eros is described in Greenes book too. Luring with sexual slight suggestions. Those maneuvers as the use of color appear to be useful to me in the process of getting closer, because they communicate with our older brain areas such as the brain stem.Anyways, I think we should stay honest with ourself. And faithful to our own personality. The book can inspire to change parts of ones personality, but it does more suggestion to play the role of a fake self. This leads to dishonesty and that the true self of a person never can experience the love of a partner. It leads to a rejection of our own self by our self too, why else had we to hide it? In my opinion by such behavior we more likely attract insecure and wacky partners, because partner who love them self, will sense the dishonesty anyways. Furthermore hiding the true self is a narcissistic trait. It is characteristic for the narcissistic personality disorder.I more recommend to be honest with the partner, and risk being hurt. The book seduces the reader with the suggestion, that by the techniques he can avoid the pain of being hurt and take full control about the relationship. The lure of full control were leading to a imbalance of power. But why should one want a partner who is weaker than himself? If the one himself is secure and strong.Some of Greenes advice can be misunderstood if not reflected with psychological background knowledge. For example the parts in the anti-seducer chapter which suggestions to develop a feeling of patience. Of course clinginess is a bad trait. It shows insecurity and makes it hard for a partner to feel good in the relationship, because every person has the need for privacy and a close relationship. Anyways a majority of the people without a partner has an avoidant attachment style. It is better to express the wishes to emotional closeness to such people fast and threaten them away, because overuse of patience were leading nowhere. You may will have sex with them, but you won't have a satisfying relationship. It will be painful and full of drama.I'd rather recommend psychological relationship advice. For example: "Attached" by Jeremy P- TarcherErich Fromm's art to love is a good book too, but in my opinion very hard to understand for people, who have not already spend a lot of time in developing their secure own personality. If you have problems with your relationships, you should examine the relationships you had with your parents, and also develop your self by changing your false assumptions and believes. The first step on such a path is to accept your self full how you are. As paradox as it sounds! Better read books like the six pillars of self-esteem by Nathaniel Branden, or the one from Glenn Schiraldi, instead of risking your psychological health and the health of your relationship by following the advice of a non psychologist, who proudly states in interviews that he has himself narcissistic traits.
Normalerweiße schreibe ich keine Rezensionen, aber Robert Greene hat einfach ein Hammer Buch geschrieben. Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen!
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